

e.g. screw up: If you screw up one more time, I will fire you.

( screw up,這兒是指 make a mistake )

全句指: 如果你再犯一次錯,我會把你辭退。

e.g. smoke eater: My father is a smoke eater.

( smoke eater,這兒是指 fireman )


e.g. knocked up: My dog gets knocked up once a year.

( knocked up,這兒是指 pregnant )



foxy  She is a foxy lady.

goofy:You are always acting goofy these days.
mickey mouse: The homework the teacher gave us was mickey mouse.

不過,千萬別將較為市井粗俗的俚語 slang,跟成語 idiom 或諺語proverb混淆啊!

諺語,英文是 proverb

means: a short well-known wise saying, usually in simple language

( 一些出名而文字淺白的格言 )

e.g. Don t put all your eggs in one basket. (不要孤注一擲)

  1. You're nuts 你發神經咩

    A: I'm going to give away everything I own.


    B: You're nuts


  2. Blow someone's mind  (表示好難以致信)

    A: Did you hear? He really gave away everything he owned.


    B: Yeah, that really blew my mind.


  3. For God's sake  (表示好頂唔順)

    A: I'm going to give away everything I own.


    B: For God's sake, you're nuts.


  4. screw up  衰左  
  5. my gosh = my God (表示驚訝)

    A: Can you help? I'm hungry.  I gave away everything I own.

    可唔可以幫下我?我好肚餓。 我分晒我d身家俾人

    B. My gosh, you really screwed up, didn't you?
【a nut 傻瓜;  瘋子】

She's a movie nut. 她是電影迷。

【bananas 瘋狂; 狂怒】

Dad will go bananas when he sees this. 爸爸見了這可就不得了。

【bag lady 拾荒婦】

There are lots of bag ladies at Central Park. 紐約中央公園裡有許多拾荒婦。

【bad-mouth 說別人壞話】

Don't bad-mouth your mother. 不要對母親說無禮的話。

【beef up 加強】

Security needs beefing up. 保安措施需要加強。


【cool 很好; 很棒】


Hey, that's really cool. 嗨,那真好極了。


【offbeat 不跟隨時尚主流的; 非傳統的】

His style is offbeat but highly creative. 他的風格很不尋常但非常有創造力。


【dammit 該死; 他媽的; 糟了】 = damn it.


Dommit! i forgot to turn off the gas. 該死!我忘了關煤氣。

【have a cow 非常生氣】


【Nope 沒有; 不】 = No!


【tailgate 緊跟著(前車)行駛】

